Tuesday, March 6, 2012


No I did not drop off the face of the Earth. As usual life and everything I take on has caught up with me and consumed me.
The kids are doing great, however I feel like something nasally has decided to stick with them. They are always dripping from their noses and coughing...What is up with that?! It's as if they turned one and not more than 2-3 days goes by until they are snuffly again. I'm over it.
Two out of three of them are walking. It seems like just a few days ago they took their fist steps and were very shaky and now they are all over the place. My 3rd, Little Miss, has now decided she wants to try too and has begun standing on her own. She has a tendency to observe the others. If it seems safe (and they aren't getting in trouble) then she proceeds. She is quite cautious.
This month began the 'birthday party circuit' as a good friend called it. Apparently my children are popular and needed at every one's birthday party (or so it seems). This month alone we have but only one free Saturday and even that is sketchy because that Saturday happens to be St. Pat's. And being that my Irish heritage has always been a big deal to me (uh one of my daughter's names is Dublyn!) we will defiantly find something to do that day.
I am waiting for the next round of invites to come in so I can start blocking off days and can plan around them. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love taking the kids to birthday parties and we are more than grateful that people want our children there...Lord knows that we are a third of the guest list and for places that charge by the kid... well, we are quite surprised that people even invite us. Maybe they hope we'll say no??? Sorry if that's the case...I want my kids to be social and have friends outside of their selves and who doesn't love a birthday party.
I know so many moms and dads don't want to deal with the extra work and hassle of dragging the kids around and chasing them, but for us we can never get back these moments with our children. They grow so fast and we want to savor and enjoy every waking second...even if its hard or exhausting.
We took our kids for Easter bunny pictures when they were only 3 months old (yes, in the mall) and we started taking them out in public shopping and going to events around 3-4 months. Your life doesn't have to stop because you have multiples (or children for that matter).
Anyway, everyone is doing great and we are trucking along just fine. I just celebrated another birthday and the hubby and I were able to get out for dinner. I am looking forward to St. Pat's day and then Easter. We will be attempting to take our children to Easter mass for the first time and I have already begun the Easter basket preparation (and yes we are dying eggs...as a family). After these holidays I will begin the tedious research for our first family vacation....Disney World in August.

So there is an update from our Crew.....

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