Saturday, January 14, 2012


Finger Foods

I never thought this day would come. The days of having the kids at the table eating table food are finally here!
It took some serious will power on behalf on me though. I am constantly picking up after them and cleaning their hands; telling them no and yelling at them to stop touching the spoon...I had to let go. It was time for this mommy to let the kiddos get messy.

I needed to let them explore their food, play in it, touch it. I have to say now that the highchairs have been moved out to the dining room (formerly in the playroom), it has been much easier. Before I had to move toy bins out from underneath the highchairs every time they ate, but now it's game on.

The dogs have quickly realized that having the children in the dining room is much more convenient also. The dogs may be old and partially blind, but their noses still work! (Makes clean up easier also).
I went to the grocery store last night to buy food for all of us- the first time buying for the whole family since I can now cook meals we can all eat- and I spent what I would have spent on baby food alone for them! It is unreal what baby food cost. I used to go baby food shopping at least every two weeks and spend almost $150 (the kids ate 12-15 jars a day) and now I spend that in one grocery bill for the whole family. I love this new phase in our lives.
So now, we are trying the milk transition. So far so good. Formula is another expensive cost and we have one child one what we call, 'liquid gold'. She has had milk and soy allergies in the past and so far we are doing great on both products...looks like she has outgrown the allergies.
I am also starting to potty train ONE of the girls. I am not crazy, so I am only attempting one right now. I will work with the other two children when I have full time help this summer ( We have an au pair over the summer). In case you didn't know...diapers are expensive too!
I am attempting to eliminate cost and save this family some money. All it takes is patience and perseverance.....Have faith mommies!

Till next time

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