Sunday, January 29, 2012


I want to talk about something near and dear to my heart...the Early Steps Program. Many of you have heard me talk about how my children receive physical therapy each week, in home, for their tortacolis and potential developmental delays due to prematurity. This wonderful program offered through the Children's Diagnostic & Treatment Center of  Florida (State Run) is in danger of of being shut down by our government due to budget cost. Without these services, more than 45,000 infants and toddlers in the state of Florida with developmental disabilities and delays could be left without services. Many of our state legislators are not familiar with the importance of this program and need to be educated; many Floridians aren't even aware this program is available!
My children have been seen since they were 4 months old and if they continue to have a need (and the program continues to be funded will be eligible until they are 3). The program also offers audio/speech therapy and evaluation. My children who we feared would be 2 months behind due to being born 2 months early have all but caught up to other 1 year olds. They are standing on their own, walking behind toys, and just about to take those precious 1st steps. I can't thank this program enough.
My littlest girl in my triplet bunch has a neurological issue. In Utero she had TIAs (mini strokes) due to my severe pre-eclamsia. This left her with holes along her brain canal. This is quite literally dead brain cells. We were not quite sure where this would leave us with her. We were told by her neurologist to begin to stimulate her with colors, words, pictures, music, etc immediately. along with the help of her physical therapist, we have seen absolutey NO issues with our little girl. She has done everything on time and right along with her brother and sister. She has shown no problems to suggest that she has been affected by the holes and in fact shows that her brain has over compensated with the stimulation. Her neurologist has told us that if all her patients we like our daughter, she'd be out of a job!
I can not speak more highly of this program.
I can not also suggest more to parents to please put your babies on their tummies when they are little even if they cry...they NEED it. It is so very important to give your child adequate tummy time. Children should be active and on the floor for at least 50% of the day.

If you would like to help save this program please send an email with the message "Save Early Steps" to:

Thank you so much for your help and support!

Coming soon...a birthday party's gonna be a long one so I need time to write and plan it!

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