Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Welcome to Toddlerville...Population? 3

IT IS OFFICIAL! The triplets are now one. We made it.

 This past year has been:

memorable (yet I don't remember most of it :)
a learning experience

Here are some things that I've learned this past year:
* I AM OCD. I have always known that I was organized but it isn't until you have people working for you or helping you that you realize just how 'organized' you are (or just have your husband tell you a hundred times that you're OCD). And yes, the bottles MUST be lined perfectly when being set out the night before for me to make in the morning. Yes, we MUST have different bins for toys in the playroom and they MUST be labeled WITH pictures (just some examples ;).
*A women can function (barely) on Diet Coke, 4 hours a sleep a week, and one meal a day (I don't suggest it though!). That is how I lived the first few months the triplets were home.
*My family IS a freak show. We can not go anywhere without people gawking at us. It is as if people forget that we actually are human beings. They stop us, they get in our way, and they actually have had the audacity to touch my children without asking (I don't know you and where your hands have been!). This mommy can go from Sweet and Happy to Pissy and B@!#$y in 0.2 seconds when you interfere with my little ones. I don't hold back and I don't apologize for it. I'm over people thinking they can do what they want just because they don't see triplets often. If I had one baby, they wouldn't dare approach me like that. I actually have to fit almost an extra hour into my outings just because of OTHER people and the fact that they can't mind their own business. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the occasional comment. I just don't like to be stopped every second. And don't even get me started on the "Better you than me", "Are they natural?", and "How do you do it?" comments....
*Multiples take teamwork....a whole team! Communication between you and your spouse is very important. However, the information that is communicated should be filtered. I overwhelmed my husband with too many baby detailed and he shut down. MY FAULT. Lesson Learned.
* Date night is a must. As soon as you feel they are old enough to be left at night with a sitter (for us it was once they were sleeping through the night and didn't need any more night time medication), go to dinner, see a movie, do something outside the house.
*Go out without your partner once in awhile...and leave them with the kids! This was big for me. I started with after the kids were asleep by going to the store and then during naps (20/30 mins at most) and now I can go whenever for a couple hours and my husband is pretty comfortable.
*Diapers, formula, and baby food are expensive. And I don't care what anyone tells you, making baby food is a pain in the A@# when you have triplets. My triplets eat 15 jars A DAY! We go through at least 48 oz of formula a day (and this is all @ a year old...imagine what a newborn would eat in formula). The average triplet household goes through at least 30 diapers a day (10 per baby). Start saving now.......(hint: size 3 is a size they are in for a long time!)
* start savings accounts right away! Three kids all the same age = 3 children wanting bikes, 3 children wanting cars, 3 children wanting cell phones, 3 children going to college, etc, etc, etc.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
(2 girls: weddings to pay for!!!!! Arg.....don't ever grow up!)
(I have a headache!)

Anyway, I'm sure I learned a whole lot more, but I'm tired and I still have to finish preparing for this weekends big birthday party.
Until next time my friends....


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