Wednesday, December 28, 2011


The 1st Christmas....

I've been away from the blog for a few days but for good reason. We have been a bit busy with the holidays. The triplets just celebrated their 1st Christmas.
I'd like to say that we were smart about it and didn't get them too much. We knew that their grandparents were going to spoil them rotten so my husband and I only got them a few things. With their birthday being a week after Christmas, we made sure to finish all our shopping and wrapping early in order to prepare for the big birthday party and to be able to enjoy the holidays with the kids.

Traditions are important to me so we have started a few (not all are Christmas related):
1. last year my parents gave me a Christmas photo keepsake book. It is a place where you place a picture from each Christmas and write where you were that year, who you spent it with and write any special memories. It was perfect to get last year because we were pregnant and  each year I will be placing our family Christmas card in it. Last year's card had a picture of my husband and I (me very pregnant!) and this year was our whole family.

2. the Christmas pickle ornament- for those of you who don't know this tradition, there is an ornament shaped like a pickle (yes, a pickle). You hide it deep with in the branches of your tree. On Christmas morning, the child who finds the pickle ornament receives a special gift from Santa. The idea is that they are noticing and admiring all the beautiful ornaments on the tree instead of just rushing to see what Santa brought them.

3. Each year EACH CHILD will receive THEIR OWN PERSONILIZED ornament for the tree. This way when they grow up and move out of the house and start families of their own, they will have personal pieces of home to take with them for their Christmas.
4. My husband recieved a circus shaped waffle maker for Christmas. Corny, yes. But we decided that we want to have a special breakfast morning once a week for the kids that they can look forward to. (Haven't decided on the day of week yet but they have had they waffles already!)

5. Friday night is pizza night in our house.

6. and we are looking to start the Elf on the Shelf here in a few years (we need to get one but we figured it's more fun to let them name it :)

So, as for this years Christmas, our almost 1 year olds were very over stimulated. We did Christmas as a family and then gammie and grandfather came over (my parents) to do presents (talk about spoiling!). After that, we went to grammie and grampies (his parents) house for dinner and more presents with auntie and uncle and cousins. And all this time I kept thinking, their birthday is next week and we are doing this all over again! I can forsee this becoming a huge problem in the future. And with all the toys they have, they all fight over the one that the other is playing with!
We made it through Christmas and the kids had a blast. This Sunday is their birthday. I can't believe my little 3lb 9 oz baby boy and 2 lb 12oz /2lb 13 oz baby girls are going to be ONE!!!! Today as I write this my little boy is 22lbs and my girls are 18lbs and 20lbs! Who would have thought?

One more thing to get through after Sunday and that is the all important party that I have been obsessing about....

Until the next time.....

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