Sunday, December 18, 2011


Internet Fun

So some other MOMS (mothers of multipes) shared this with me. It really just sums up how we often feel on a day to day basis. I thought on this blog I would share some great stuff that I've found on the web related to multiples.....
I was on bedrest for a very long time and had a lot of time to spend researching and playing on the computer. I would like to share some of the websites that I have found fun and informative throughout my pregnancy and these past 11 months. A good friend of mine who did our children's newborn shots. The picture of the feet at the top of the blog and the picture of the heads on the first post are hers. We are also featured on her website. Check her out!  Tickers. Awesome way to follow and countdown important things in your life. I had a ticker for my pregnancy and now one as the babies approach their 1st birthday. One of my favorite places to shop online. I had a watch made for Rob for father's day with the family's picture on the face. I had an afgan made for my mother for her birthday with the babies picture on it, and a tie and mouse pad made for my father's birthday with the babies pictures on it.  The link on YouTube where I learned to make the tutu's for my girls.  Some cute naming ideas. My husband was set on our sons name, Dalton, and I was set on one of the girls names, Dublyn. However, when we found out that there was another girl, we were stuck. We already had two 'D' names so at that point we figured just go with it. We need another 'D' name but something that 'fit' with the other two. So many 'D' names for girls are common: Danielle, Debra and Donna. And the others like Daphne and Delila just didn't feel right. I eventually stumbled upon Dawsyn online while doing research. I love unisex names and the fact that I could use the 'y' like I did in Dublyn's name made me happy because both girls would have the 'y'. It wasn't until after we settled on the names and were pretty far along in the pregnancy that we then realized that all 3 names had 6 letters, started with a 'd' and ended with a 'n'. Kind of creepy! We are members of this and I just love getting the magazine every quarter. It overwhelms me to see how many triplets there are in the world of all ages.  National organization for multiples. From this site, you can search for a local club in your area.  For the new dad...some good advice from a dad of triplets.  Information for Mothers of Supertwins (triplets or more)  Thought I'd throw this one in there....I wonder which triplets were among the first babies born in 2011??? I do believe they were the 1st set of triplets to be born in 2011 in the that went in the baby books! and for those of you with a great sense of humor and who have ever had a hard time putting your little one down for the night, check out this youtube video of a bedtime story (for adults NOT children) read by Samuel L. Jackson. You may pee yourself laughing....

Have a great night all....

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