Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Why Would Anyone Read This????

I fought with myself about whether or not to start a blog. I wondered if anyone would actually care to read about the life of a mom raising triplets, but in my past life-pre-children, I loved to write. I had begun to write a novel, a children's book and a few poems but all that changed when I FINALLY got pregnant. I was naive enough to think that I would still have time to do all of the things I loved. I would never be one of "those" moms. But here I sit.
So this post will be long because I have to explain our story. I'll try to give you all the short version.
My husband and I had a five year battle with infertility-my body, not his- and after much heartache ( and many finacial donations to the wonderful world of science) we were overjoyed to find out we were finally pregnant. Since we used IVF, we knew there was a high chance for multiples and with our Beta numbers sky high we were almost positive we were having twins. When we went in for our ultasound, the doctor started counting and as she got to three my husband, Rob, told her she better stop counting because there WERE NO MORE! Thank god he was right because I think we both would have fainted.
Initially we didn't tell everyone that we were having triplets because one of the embryos was not growing quite as fast as the other two (we later found out that was our boy). After a few weeks and some visits to the specialist, we were comfortable with the pregnancy and carrying it to term so we made the announcement.
I found out I was pregnant in June of 2010. I planned on working as long as I could throughout the pregnancy- I teach middle school- however I only made it to Halloween. My doctor put me on complete bed rest through the end of my pregnancy....pure tourture to be on bed rest! I had several 'labor check' runs to the hospital and had Braxton Hicks contractions from 4months till the end. I was admitted to the hospital on December 29th of 2010 for severe pre-eclampsia. I gained 20 pounds in 3 days! (all fluid)
After close monitoring by my fabulous OB, my beautiful angels were born via C-section on New Year's Day (1-1-11). I had made it to 31 weeks and 1 day. I told my OB I would not deliver until January and I made it.
We have 3 beautiful, healthy angels- Two girls (Dublyn and Dawsyn) and one boy (Dalton).
The were in the NICU for almost 2 months. Each had their own small struggles and even when they came home, we had some health issues here and there, but now, today they are 11 months and happy and healthy.
We've dealt with acid reflux, torticolis, allergies to soy and milk, possible neurological issues (due to events inutero w/ pre-eclampsia), schedules, lack of sleep (for babies and parents), colds/sickness, and so much more. But soon we will be celebrating...celebrating the first year of their life and the fact that we made it through.
So I know it's been almost a year since they were born and I know there was so much I could've written about already. But the fun is just beginning and well, they're just starting to get independent enough for me to have time to write. So come join me on this journey as the triplets turn one and we roll in all the fun!

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