Tuesday, December 13, 2011


1st Birthday Party Prep

The all important 1st birthday party is almost among us. The triplets will be one on New Year's Day 2012. I have been planning their party for almost three months. My husband and I agreed that we would do a big party for the first birthday (because you can never get that one back) and then not again until they are five and can invite their friends personally and decide on a theme(somewhat) themselves.
After much consideration we decided to go with a '3-ring circus' theme. For us, it was perfect. We can never go anywhere without being the 'freak show' or being gawked at. Plus, there was a massive amount of ideas and possibilities at my fingertips with this theme. After the party, I will share tons of pictures, but for now I will only share a few things (I don't want to spoil the surprises for my guests!)
I did a lot of research on the Internet for this party. I researched other circus parties and what other moms did/made to make their child's party special. I took a lot of their ideas and tweaked them to fit our party.

First, for some centerpieces I purchased some double sided frames from IKEA for .99 each. I then purchased some foam cut birthday cutouts from the Dollar store and some pom pom balls from the Dollar store and used both to decorate the frames.
I printed pictures of the kids from my home computer with photo paper we already had. So for a total of $16, I made 12 centerpieces.

Since the party is a circus/carnival theme, we are going to have some games. Instead of purchasing a bunch of premade games and spending a lot of money, I chose to make some of the games. For about a week, my husband and I saved cans (6) and washed them in the dishwasher. Next I printed a free coloring sheet off the Internet (about 3 inches in height) and colored it myself. My husband made color copies (6) of the colored sheet and then cut it to fit the can. I glued the cut and colored sheet onto the can with rubber cement and DONE!

And there you have it folks. I have been very busy with so much more but this is all I am willing to share right now. Stay tuned for the party pictures......

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