Tuesday, March 6, 2012


No I did not drop off the face of the Earth. As usual life and everything I take on has caught up with me and consumed me.
The kids are doing great, however I feel like something nasally has decided to stick with them. They are always dripping from their noses and coughing...What is up with that?! It's as if they turned one and not more than 2-3 days goes by until they are snuffly again. I'm over it.
Two out of three of them are walking. It seems like just a few days ago they took their fist steps and were very shaky and now they are all over the place. My 3rd, Little Miss, has now decided she wants to try too and has begun standing on her own. She has a tendency to observe the others. If it seems safe (and they aren't getting in trouble) then she proceeds. She is quite cautious.
This month began the 'birthday party circuit' as a good friend called it. Apparently my children are popular and needed at every one's birthday party (or so it seems). This month alone we have but only one free Saturday and even that is sketchy because that Saturday happens to be St. Pat's. And being that my Irish heritage has always been a big deal to me (uh one of my daughter's names is Dublyn!) we will defiantly find something to do that day.
I am waiting for the next round of invites to come in so I can start blocking off days and can plan around them. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love taking the kids to birthday parties and we are more than grateful that people want our children there...Lord knows that we are a third of the guest list and for places that charge by the kid... well, we are quite surprised that people even invite us. Maybe they hope we'll say no??? Sorry if that's the case...I want my kids to be social and have friends outside of their selves and who doesn't love a birthday party.
I know so many moms and dads don't want to deal with the extra work and hassle of dragging the kids around and chasing them, but for us we can never get back these moments with our children. They grow so fast and we want to savor and enjoy every waking second...even if its hard or exhausting.
We took our kids for Easter bunny pictures when they were only 3 months old (yes, in the mall) and we started taking them out in public shopping and going to events around 3-4 months. Your life doesn't have to stop because you have multiples (or children for that matter).
Anyway, everyone is doing great and we are trucking along just fine. I just celebrated another birthday and the hubby and I were able to get out for dinner. I am looking forward to St. Pat's day and then Easter. We will be attempting to take our children to Easter mass for the first time and I have already begun the Easter basket preparation (and yes we are dying eggs...as a family). After these holidays I will begin the tedious research for our first family vacation....Disney World in August.

So there is an update from our Crew.....

Friday, February 3, 2012


The birthday party post!!

I love to plan things. I especially love to plan parties. I spent months planning my children's 1st birthday party and I was very anxious to see it all come together.
After settling on the theme of a 3-ring circus I began my intense research of all things circus related. I knew I wanted a very special invitation and found a just perfect one on Etsy : http://www.etsy.com/listing/62747804/three-ring-circus-custom-birthday-party
However, I thought that it was too expensive and I was confident that I knew someone that could make something similar for me (we all know someone who knows someone...right?). I began asking all my 'techy' friends until my nanny recommended her sister (her sister just happens to be a good friend of mine and how we found our nanny in the first place). My friend agreed to do the invite and went above and beyond with it...it was simply PERFECT!
During my research I got many great ideas from websites and blogs such as:

Many of these websites and blogs are from moms who already had circus themed birthday parties for their kiddos and were willing to share the pictures and information. I searched through many of these and got inspiration and ideas. I used some of their ideas and some I tweaked and made my own.

I made signs to label all of my food- we made cute names for things such as: Clown dogs (corn dog), Acrobat Delight (soft pretzel), Cirque-De-Chix-Fil-a-Nuggets (chicken nuggets) and so on. I also made signs to label the games and other areas in the party space. I was able to download a 'circus font' to make these signs look more appealing. I used computer paper glued to colorful construction paper and also some large tent signs.

I am all about keeping my guest entertained. For me it was very important to make sure that the children coming to our party had a good time. If the kids had a good time and were kept busy, then the parents were happy.
We had carnival games with prizes, a playground, a child size circus tent with stuffed animals and sports balls, and plenty of photo props.

game table
"kissing booth" guess the amount of kisses in the jar and win the whole jar.

We found a really cute children's circus tent at Ikea (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10206883/) that served both as a decoration and a play area. The tent was $20 but is rarely ever in stock and not available online. We called at 9am and they had 9 of them and an hour later when my mother-in-law went to get one for us, there was one left. They just can't keep them on the shelves!

I also created a a photo prop box. My husband and I had just had Christmas pictures taken professionally and did not really want to shell out big bucks a few weeks later to have the 'official' 1st birthday photos. We decided to ask some friends who dabble in photography (and were already coming to the party anyway) if they would like to document the party for us (all party pictures were taken by our friends The Palmers).

I also downloaded coloring pages from the Internet and placed them in plastic popcorn containers with some crayons as centerpieces. http://www.hellokids.com/c_2054/coloring/family-people-and-jobs-coloring-pages/circus-coloring-pages/big-top-coloring-page
The popcorn containers can usually be found in the dollar bins at Target.
Target can be your best friend (along with the dollar store and Oriental Trading company). Also in Target dollar bins I found bags of cotton candy, Smartie candies, and a few of my photo props.
At the Dollar store I purchased things like plates, napkins (in red, blue, and yellow solids), photo props and sports balls, glass and plastics jars, Styrofoam balls (for barbell centerpieces), stuffed hanging monkeys (for trapeze decoration), and some craft items to decorate my picture frame centerpieces.
From Oriental Trading company- you can get free shipping if you pay attention to certain deadlines; they offer it quite often- I ordered: prizes (bouncy balls, circus tattoos, & gliders), decorations (carnival rubber ducks, spiral cutouts), personalized banner, red/white striped tablecloth, and cupcake holder.
 From Ikea we purchased many stuffed animals and puppets (circus themed) and some double sided picture frames. These we an especially good deal since we went on 'Black Friday' and they were all 50% off.
I  created some ringmaster mustaches out of felt and wooden dowels. My niece dressed up as a clown and played circus music from her Ipod.
As I mentioned before, I hand made my daughters tutus and headbands. I also had tshirts made for all 3 kids ( and my husband and I ordered ourselves circus themed shirts also) from CafePress.com that said "It's My 3-ring circus 1st Birthday'. To complete the look, I ordered a pair of blue suspenders that had red stars for my son.

 One of the biggest helps I had was being able to offer community service hours to my students for helping with set up, clean up, running games, and keeping the food stocked. I couldn't have pulled this off with out them (and my family too :)
(above)Centerpieces; (below)sweet treats
(below)cotton candy,circus peanuts, gumdrop skewers, pretzel/marshmallow barbells
(above)Finished tables: popcorn containers w/coloring pages and crayons, carnival rubber ducks, picture frames, and Styrofoam barbells.
Party space
Birthday Cake (from Publix, they give a free smash cake w/purchase of larger cake)
Party space with our guests
cupcakes and Whirly cookie Pops.
Personalized sign from Oriental Trading

The 'Crew" makes a fashionably late entrance.
We chose to have personalized Whirly Cookie pops as our party favor. My dear sister-in-law slaved baking these awesome cookie pops. We created a sticker to place on the cookie that thanked our guest for coming to the party.

One of my nieces brings the Whirly Pops in to the party.

(left) my other niece dressed as a clown
(left) Cake time!

I do hope that you have all enjoyed looking through all my hard work. The party was just as I imagined it would be. It was a lot of hard work and I don't plan on doing it again for awhile. We originally said that we wouldn't throw them another big party until they were five, but honestly how can you pass up Triplets turning three?! I will have to have a big party for that one! 

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I want to talk about something near and dear to my heart...the Early Steps Program. Many of you have heard me talk about how my children receive physical therapy each week, in home, for their tortacolis and potential developmental delays due to prematurity. This wonderful program offered through the Children's Diagnostic & Treatment Center of  Florida (State Run) is in danger of of being shut down by our government due to budget cost. Without these services, more than 45,000 infants and toddlers in the state of Florida with developmental disabilities and delays could be left without services. Many of our state legislators are not familiar with the importance of this program and need to be educated; many Floridians aren't even aware this program is available!
My children have been seen since they were 4 months old and if they continue to have a need (and the program continues to be funded will be eligible until they are 3). The program also offers audio/speech therapy and evaluation. My children who we feared would be 2 months behind due to being born 2 months early have all but caught up to other 1 year olds. They are standing on their own, walking behind toys, and just about to take those precious 1st steps. I can't thank this program enough.
My littlest girl in my triplet bunch has a neurological issue. In Utero she had TIAs (mini strokes) due to my severe pre-eclamsia. This left her with holes along her brain canal. This is quite literally dead brain cells. We were not quite sure where this would leave us with her. We were told by her neurologist to begin to stimulate her with colors, words, pictures, music, etc immediately. along with the help of her physical therapist, we have seen absolutey NO issues with our little girl. She has done everything on time and right along with her brother and sister. She has shown no problems to suggest that she has been affected by the holes and in fact shows that her brain has over compensated with the stimulation. Her neurologist has told us that if all her patients we like our daughter, she'd be out of a job!
I can not speak more highly of this program.
I can not also suggest more to parents to please put your babies on their tummies when they are little even if they cry...they NEED it. It is so very important to give your child adequate tummy time. Children should be active and on the floor for at least 50% of the day.

If you would like to help save this program please send an email with the message "Save Early Steps" to:

Thank you so much for your help and support!

Coming soon...a birthday party post...it's gonna be a long one so I need time to write and plan it!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


My little bugger had his third, yes third round of surgery today for those pesky hemangeomas. Poor little guy. He'll thank us when he's older though...same thing with the helmet. Always seems like it's something, but by the grace of God it's always the best case scenario.
Our little guy has two hemangeomas; one is on the back of his head along his scalp. Doesn't really interfere with much but is pretty ugly. There is always the possibility of it 'maybe' bursting if he fell hard enough exactly on that spot, but nothing we were too stressed about. His other one is under his eyelid and near his tear duct of his right eye. This gave us concerns. We met with the pediatrician, eye doctor, and cranial specialist who all agreed that it would most likely interfere with his vision eventually and may mess up some of the proper growth in his eye area. Major problem.
For those of you who do not know what a hemangeoma is: a benign tumor, usually in infants or children, made up of newly formed blood vessels and resulting from malformation of angioblastic tissue of fetal life. (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hemangioma)
The medical "solution' for these hemangeomas is laser surgery and a steroid injection to the hemangeoma itself. The ideal situation to occur is that the hemangeoma will begin to shrink and eventually disappear.
Many hemangeomas are said to continue to grow until around age 5 or so and then gradually shrink on their own, however the risk is the fact that you never know A: how big it will get and B: if it will in fact shrink and go away.
For us it was a necessity though because of the positioning within his eye.
So, as I said already, this was Mr. D's third round of this surgery. The first time he was about 7 months old and I think my husband and I were more nervous and scared than he was. We thought He has no clue what's about to happen!  But I tell you he handled it like such a big boy. He smiled and laughed through the whole process-waiting to have the 15-20 minute surgery took hours and we were discharged with 40-60 minutes after he came out of surgery.
Our son is fearless and unaffected by this. They gave me all these precautions but said if he could handle the activity and normal diet that I could allow it....well, my boy doesn't miss a meal (except the one they made him miss for his surgery!) He is always back on schedule within an hour to two hours after his surgeries and eating and drinking his usual amounts.
Today was no different from the last two times except that now that he is eating table food he wanted nothing to do with the juice after the surgery (the children are supposed to prove that they can hold down clear liquids before they are discharged). He was holding out for real food. We returned home and he took his nap with his sisters and come lunch time it was game on. He not only drank his milk, he ate all his ham, cheese, fruit, and bread....plus a second helping! Next thing I know when the kids are in the playroom my son is diving head first into the ball pit and tearing up the place. No one would believe this kid just had surgery this morning.
On a side note...I am a proud mommy today. I bought Pull-ups the other day and instead of calling them diapers or Pull-ups or anything like that (trying not to have my daughter associated them with diapers) I called them 'baby panties'. So I don't use them all the time in fact I use them as a reward sort of. When my daughter wakes up in the morning I put a diaper on her, however the 1st time she 'goes' on the potty she gets to wear 'baby panties'. If she 'potties' in the 'baby panties' then she goes back to a diaper but can earn the 'panty' back the next time she 'goes' on the potty. Anyway, she gets it and it works. So the proud moment is that today when she woke up from her 1st nap at 11am she earned her 'panty' and she kept that 'panty' dry (and used the potty) all day until bedtime.That's 7 hours (she went to sleep at that point).
Just yet another example of how people parent differently and how we should celebrate every achievement.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Often I'm called an overachiever or told that I'm pushing the kids to hard, but I think some people are putting their own frustrations on me. Parents see me achieving success with things that many other parents fail/struggle with. I'm not supermom and I have no tricks up my sleeve. I do however have a few things that sometimes are on my side and other times can be my downfall....
-I am OCD which mean that everything is a routine. My children have become accustom to routines and learn to expect certain things at certain times. This is perfect for feeding, sleeping, and potty training. This can become an issue on those days that are not 'normal' days; you know the ones when you want to actually do something outside the house....
-I don't have a problem listening to them crying and screaming. It takes some getting used to and you MUST be sure that all basic needs have been met (they are fed, changed, and nothing it 'hurting' them). For me, with three, it was a necessity to get my children to learn to self soothe. It is not physically possible to rock and comfort all of them at the same time. And since all of them go to bed and take naps at the same time, they needed to learn to soothe themselves.
-I love to research. If I want to know the answer to something or want to know how to do something, I look it up. I research everything. I don't go into anything without an arsnal of research behind me.

I often get asked questions that I don't understand..."Do they all nap at the same time?" (yes) " How did you get them to do that?" (I put them in their cribs at the same time).
"Why are you starting to potty train at such a young age?" (because she is peeing/pooping in the potty...why not?)
***my research showed that most countries around the world start potty training between 1yr and 18 months old. Americans are given the luxury of disposable diapers (many countries don't have them) and a socitial norm of an older potty training age (preschools have even accomadated up to 4yrs of age still in a diaper). However, because most American (and some other countries) families have both parents working, time has not been a luxury. In those other countries where the potty training starts so young, the mothers are home, income general low (can't afford the diapers), and potty training is therefore a necessity.
I taught preschool for a few years and worked with the 'sorta' potty trained group. I was lucky enough to be the afternoon teacher and as most of you can figure out, that meant I cleaned a lot of messes. I will be the last person to jump on a mothers case for not potty training a child by a certain age since I often had to assist in the potty training for many of my students due to family situations.Often family life becomes hectic and ridiculously busy and well let's face it potty training is time comsuming. Asking your child every 20 minutes or so if they have to use the potty (remembering to do so is tedious enough) and then spending the time with them as they explore every toy you've placed in the bathroom just to get them to sit on the potty...well who has that kind of time?
I only work two hours a day outside our home and I am (was) only potty training one out of my three. I have found that it has taken time away from my other two to maintain a proper routine and keep her on track.
Now we are having what I like to call 'Potty Envy'. My other girl is obsessivly jealous and wants to use the potty also. I am not ready for this. I was hoping to do them all one at a time, but you gotta grab while the getting is hot. No joke, my little one planted herself outside the bathroom and cried and whined until I let her go through the 'potty routine' and you know what? She went pee! She kept persisting all day long and went 4 times today. I have noticed a huge difference between the girls though; one will sit for a few minutes and tell me she's done but hasn't done anything yet. However when she does, she gets super excited when she goes and the potty sings (claps hands and dances: we have a Cheer for Me Potty by Fisher Price). My other girl will sit on the potty for 15-20 minutes; however long it takes her to go (she won't get off until she goes). Then she just smiles and claps her hands and sits there.
It's odd how different they are :)
"Why did you take the pacifier away now?" (as good a time as any; lose the bottle at 1 year and it is logical to cut out all 'nipples'). "How did you do it?" (I just didn't give it to them one day and they cried it out...a little less each day.**note that I cut it down to naps and bedtime around 7/8months of age)

Anyway, through it all every parent is different. No two parents parent the same and no two (or three in my case) kids are the same. I think that no matter what the accmplishments are and no matter when they occur for the child (or parents), we all should rejoice that those accomplishments were made.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Finger Foods

I never thought this day would come. The days of having the kids at the table eating table food are finally here!
It took some serious will power on behalf on me though. I am constantly picking up after them and cleaning their hands; telling them no and yelling at them to stop touching the spoon...I had to let go. It was time for this mommy to let the kiddos get messy.

I needed to let them explore their food, play in it, touch it. I have to say now that the highchairs have been moved out to the dining room (formerly in the playroom), it has been much easier. Before I had to move toy bins out from underneath the highchairs every time they ate, but now it's game on.

The dogs have quickly realized that having the children in the dining room is much more convenient also. The dogs may be old and partially blind, but their noses still work! (Makes clean up easier also).
I went to the grocery store last night to buy food for all of us- the first time buying for the whole family since I can now cook meals we can all eat- and I spent what I would have spent on baby food alone for them! It is unreal what baby food cost. I used to go baby food shopping at least every two weeks and spend almost $150 (the kids ate 12-15 jars a day) and now I spend that in one grocery bill for the whole family. I love this new phase in our lives.
So now, we are trying the milk transition. So far so good. Formula is another expensive cost and we have one child one what we call, 'liquid gold'. She has had milk and soy allergies in the past and so far we are doing great on both products...looks like she has outgrown the allergies.
I am also starting to potty train ONE of the girls. I am not crazy, so I am only attempting one right now. I will work with the other two children when I have full time help this summer ( We have an au pair over the summer). In case you didn't know...diapers are expensive too!
I am attempting to eliminate cost and save this family some money. All it takes is patience and perseverance.....Have faith mommies!

Till next time

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Welcome to Toddlerville...Population? 3

IT IS OFFICIAL! The triplets are now one. We made it.

 This past year has been:

memorable (yet I don't remember most of it :)
a learning experience

Here are some things that I've learned this past year:
* I AM OCD. I have always known that I was organized but it isn't until you have people working for you or helping you that you realize just how 'organized' you are (or just have your husband tell you a hundred times that you're OCD). And yes, the bottles MUST be lined perfectly when being set out the night before for me to make in the morning. Yes, we MUST have different bins for toys in the playroom and they MUST be labeled WITH pictures (just some examples ;).
*A women can function (barely) on Diet Coke, 4 hours a sleep a week, and one meal a day (I don't suggest it though!). That is how I lived the first few months the triplets were home.
*My family IS a freak show. We can not go anywhere without people gawking at us. It is as if people forget that we actually are human beings. They stop us, they get in our way, and they actually have had the audacity to touch my children without asking (I don't know you and where your hands have been!). This mommy can go from Sweet and Happy to Pissy and B@!#$y in 0.2 seconds when you interfere with my little ones. I don't hold back and I don't apologize for it. I'm over people thinking they can do what they want just because they don't see triplets often. If I had one baby, they wouldn't dare approach me like that. I actually have to fit almost an extra hour into my outings just because of OTHER people and the fact that they can't mind their own business. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the occasional comment. I just don't like to be stopped every second. And don't even get me started on the "Better you than me", "Are they natural?", and "How do you do it?" comments....
*Multiples take teamwork....a whole team! Communication between you and your spouse is very important. However, the information that is communicated should be filtered. I overwhelmed my husband with too many baby detailed and he shut down. MY FAULT. Lesson Learned.
* Date night is a must. As soon as you feel they are old enough to be left at night with a sitter (for us it was once they were sleeping through the night and didn't need any more night time medication), go to dinner, see a movie, do something outside the house.
*Go out without your partner once in awhile...and leave them with the kids! This was big for me. I started with after the kids were asleep by going to the store and then during naps (20/30 mins at most) and now I can go whenever for a couple hours and my husband is pretty comfortable.
*Diapers, formula, and baby food are expensive. And I don't care what anyone tells you, making baby food is a pain in the A@# when you have triplets. My triplets eat 15 jars A DAY! We go through at least 48 oz of formula a day (and this is all @ a year old...imagine what a newborn would eat in formula). The average triplet household goes through at least 30 diapers a day (10 per baby). Start saving now.......(hint: size 3 is a size they are in for a long time!)
* start savings accounts right away! Three kids all the same age = 3 children wanting bikes, 3 children wanting cars, 3 children wanting cell phones, 3 children going to college, etc, etc, etc.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
(2 girls: weddings to pay for!!!!! Arg.....don't ever grow up!)
(I have a headache!)

Anyway, I'm sure I learned a whole lot more, but I'm tired and I still have to finish preparing for this weekends big birthday party.
Until next time my friends....
